Philately – A Hobby that Grows More Exciting With Times

18 Jul

Philately is a hobby that grows on you as your collection gets bigger and bigger. Before you realize, stamp collection becomes an encompassing passion for which you somehow manage to keep aside a couple of hours of your grinding schedule.

Every stamp collector dreams of having a collection that has valuable and rare stamps which will enhance the net value of their collection. However, it is an extremely difficult task to find a rare stamp unless you know what you are looking for and then pursue it vigorously. Rare stamps are not in constant circulation because stamp collectors hold them permanently when they come across one.

Stamps are categorized as rare because of errors in printing, perforation and content. Age is another factor that increases their value because stamps that are older are scarce and difficult to locate. Another category is the limited edition stamps which are also valuable because they exist in small numbers. You must have detailed knowledge of philately to be able to source rare and valuable stamps.

Unused or mint condition stamps in good condition attract greater value. Stamps that have no cancellation marks, are free of defects and have its original gum will add great value to your collection. Perforations are another parameter used to gauge the value of a stamp. Some perforations may be rare and can increase the value of a stamp significantly.

Sometimes stamps of a particular batch are mistakenly printed and even distributed before the error is detected. Such stamps can be valued spectacularly high if they are in good condition. Check for errors when you buy a stamp. This can help you categorize such stamps separately.

Philately involves devoting a lot of time for research. A good catalogue is required to get started. Research can help you understand more about how to target rare stamps and what type of stamps to add to your collection. It can also give you an insight into the rarest stamps of the world. The rarest stamp according to expert philately is the 1856 one cent British Guiana stamp also known as the British Guiana Scott 13.

Checking for content error is a good way to establish the rarity of a stamp. The Scotts catalogue, the standard stamp reference guide is a good way to check content and compare them to find errors.

Philately is an exciting and rewarding hobby provided you have access to the right resources. Associating with stamp collecting groups and forums can help you enhance your knowledge considerably.

If you would like to start your own collection and enjoyment of stamps? Guidetostampcollecting provide you a basic guide of stamp collecting, including how to identify and value of your stamps, how to care for your stamps and offers a strategic platform to project the philately excellence.
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